What to expect
The next SOE courses are on:
5th – 6th June 2025, Price: £475
This is a very popular and oversubscribed two day SOE course.
The course includes a combination of SOE preparation group workshops covering difficult topics, data interpretation and exam technique, and real time practice at SOE examinations.
Each candidate will have the opportunity to undergo two full SOE examinations under exam conditions, receiving questions from consultants and senior anaesthetic trainees
As can be seen from the picture below this is the closest thing to the real exam as you can get and the examiners have set marking schemes to follow which mirror the actual FRCA format. We provide a unique feedback system with advice and comments on every SOE the candidate does and this can be taken away at the end of the course to help focus the revision in the time leading up to the examination. Candidates will constantly rotate around and thus get to experience various styles of Viva as well as gaining experience and pointers from the examiners.
Content reflects the RCoA curriculum with a combination of clinical and science topics.
An example timetable of the two days is shown:

£450 for the full two days including breakfast pastries, lunch and refreshments throughout the day.