Matt J Simpson MBChB FRCA
Matt J Simpson MBChB FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist at St. James’s University Hospital.
Lead anaesthetist in Obstetric anaesthesia and advanced vascular access. Chairs the Clinical Information and Outcomes Group. He is an Innovation champion for West Yorkshire and Humber and inventor of a new regional anaesthesia delivery system as well as having interests in thoracic and ophthalmic anaesthesia. Recently taken Leeds Crammer to Hong Kong to assist the Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong with exam training.

Rebecca Lathey MBChB FRCA FFICM
Rebecca Lathey MBChB FRCA FFICM
Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Interest in maternal critical care and obstetric anaesthesia alongside medical education. Developed the regional FFICM SOE revision programme and MDT maternal critical care course.
Phil Antill MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCP FRCA FFICM
Phil Antill MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCP FRCA FFICM
Consultant in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Perioperative Medicine. Specific anaesthetic interests include anaesthesia for major vascular, colorectal and gastro-intestinal surgery. Experienced ATLS and ALS instructor, with additional faculty roles on regional critical care transfer, simulation and tracheostomy courses. He has previously received the Yorkshire Society of Anaesthetists Critical Care ODN Registrar’s Prize and the Final Examination Chair’s Commendation for overall performance in the Final FRCA.

Mike Carrick MBChB FRCA
Mike Carrick MBChB FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist in Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, specialising in thoracic, HPB and ophthalmic anaesthesia. Chairs the Trust transfusion committee.
Luke McMenamin MBChB FRCA
Luke McMenamin MBChB FRCA
Dr Luke McMenamin is a Consultant Anaesthetist with special interests in trauma anaesthesia and anaesthesia for HPB and liver transplantation. Luke has trained throughout Yorkshire, as well as completing a Major Trauma Fellowship at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. When not talking about TEGs, ROTEMs, regional blocks and ‘cracking’ TOE views, Luke will be found discussing the latest independent food destinations Leeds has to offer!

Visiting Faculty

Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Governance & Risk at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. John has an interest in Neuroanaesthesia and Intensive Care, having completed an assistant Professorship at the Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, USA. He was the principal organiser of the West Yorkshire and Humberside Final Fellowship Preparation (FFP) course and is now a Final FRCA examiner for the Royal College of Anaesthetists. John has a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Law and Ethics from the University of Manchester and he worked as a Medicolegal Adviser to the Medical Protection Society for over three years.

Andrew Lindley FRCA MMedSci FFICM
Consultant Anaesthetist in Neuroanaesthesia and Regional Anaesthesia. Completed an Assistant Professorship at Harbor View Medical Centre, Seattle. Experienced instructor in medical education. Andy is now a Royal College examiner for the primary component of the FRCA.

Course information

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